
Courtney – Hygienist

About Me

Courtney is a Registered Dental Hygienist with the CDHO and an active member of the ODHA. She has been practicing Dental Hygiene since 2009. During her childhood, Courtney, along with her sisters, had a fear of the dentist. It is that personal experience that motivated her to become a Dental Hygienist to assist others who share the same fear. Courtney is known for her kindness, empathy, and dedication to ensuring that every patient has a positive dental visit. She particularly enjoys working with children and treats her patients with the same care she would want for her own family.

Fun Facts

Favourite quote: “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

Favourite Movie: I enjoy watching all the Marvel/Superhero movies! Additionally, I find Adam Sandler movies to be great as well. Some of my favorites include Grown Ups, Big Daddy, Just Go with It, and Blended.

Favourite Person: My son and my husband are the most important people in my life.

Favourite food: I have a fondness for steak and ice cream.

Favorite Website: : I frequently visit

I absolutely love: Spending time with my family, being outdoors, and dogs!

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